I am new to Speckle and currently following one of the tutorials :
…to create a 3d terrain model (with buildings) from QGIS > Speckle > Rhino
I have the building info from osm and other data from council files I received.
The issue is that when I try to send my first terrain through Speckle as per the tutorial I get the following error codes:
2023-06-27T16:53:16 CRITICAL SpeckleException: Failed to execute the GraphQL active_user request. Inner exception: Transport is already connected::onAccountSelected
2023-06-27T16:53:25 CRITICAL SpeckleException: Failed to execute the GraphQL active_user request. Inner exception: Transport is already connected::handleStreamCreate
Hi @hgibson ! The errors seem to originate from a different function then sending a terrain, could you pls describe the exact actions that led to these errors? E.g. You clicked “Create New Stream”, entered a name, clicked “Ok”. You can also add screenshots
Also it would help to know what OS you are using (Windows/ Mac), QGIS version, Speckle connector version, server (e.g. speckle.xyz) and whether you have your Speckle accounts added to Speckle Desktop Manager.
Click Create a new stream > put in name of stream > ticked public (have also tried without tick) > error code arises. See attached screen shots.
Im using:
Windows: 11 Home 22H2
Processor: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz
Speckle for QGIS 2.14.1
QGIS Desktop 3.30.3
Server speckle.xyz
Goal to have model in Rhino 7
I have clicked the add account on Speckle manager already as well and it says it should be connected?
Thank you for the details!
This is unusual behavior that we haven’t seen yet, but @gergo made a fix that will likely resolve it in the next release (somewhere next week)
Hi there,
Any update on when the latest version will be available to re-install? @gergo
I currently have the latest version that I can find online at the moment.
Hi Sebastien!
This doesn’t look good Can I ask you to specify the OS you are using, QGIS version, and also run the following script from QGIS → Plugins → Python Console (if the entire script doesn’t run, try pasting line-by-line):
import gql, requests, urllib3, specklepy
from importlib.metadata import version
from specklepy.core.api.client import SpeckleClient
from specklepy.core.api.credentials import get_local_accounts
account = get_local_accounts()[0]
new_client = SpeckleClient(
You can cover your data (like email) before pasting the results here.
I have the same issue.
My OS: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3448]
My QGIS: 3.32.3-Lima 67d46100b5
Speckle QGIS Connector 2.14.1 but exactly the same behavior with 2.15.1
QGIS plugin speckle-qgis 2.16.0-rc
import gql, requests, urllib3, specklepy
from importlib.metadata import version
from specklepy.core.api.client import SpeckleClient
from specklepy.core.api.credentials import get_local_accounts
account = get_local_accounts()[0]
Account(email: my@addres.com, server: https://speckle.xyz, isDefault: True)
new_client = SpeckleClient(
SpeckleClient( server: https://speckle.xyz, authenticated: False )
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS33~1.3\apps\Python39\lib\code.py", line 90, in runcode
exec(code, self.locals)
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Users\ermsk\AppData\Roaming\Speckle\connector_installations\QGIS\specklepy\core\api\client.py", line 131, in authenticate_with_token
File "C:\Users\ermsk\AppData\Roaming\Speckle\connector_installations\QGIS\specklepy\core\api\client.py", line 170, in _set_up_client
raise user_or_error
specklepy.logging.exceptions.SpeckleException: SpeckleException: Failed to execute the GraphQL active_user request. Inner exception: Transport is already connected
SpeckleClient( server: https://speckle.xyz, authenticated: True )
Falied with reinstalling urllib3 - no sll module in phyton