Publish Linked Revit Models

I think you were also referring to the possibility of 2 completely different elements having the same element id in two different linked models. i.e.:

  • A wall in the architectural model with id 12345
  • A beam in the linked structural model with id 12345

IFC UID and Navis internals hashes File and Element ID to handle these.

Also, we’re not relying on the elementId, but on the longer guid-like internal id… I know that is not unique either but there are fewer chances for duplicates :wink:


Could you create a parameter for each of these linked elements that states the internal element id for the linked Revit file they are coming from? Then you could concatenate the two values to create a truly unique value and wouldn’t have to have anything overwrite.

For example:

Internal ID for Wall #1: 67890
Host Model Internal ID for Wall #1: 34567

Internal ID for Wall #2: 67890
Host Model Internal ID for Wall #2 65783

Then, when you need to have unique identifiers, you can concatenate like this 67890-34567 and 67890-65783

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Blockquote IFC UID and Navis internals hashes File and Element ID to handle these. <

this is the exact problem indeed.
the hash might be an interesting approach, then we can be sure it is unique, hashing based on uniqueId of project + uniqueId of element?

Fresh new to the app, I was tensting it with a model with linked revit models, but I receive an erro message


Anyone know how should I proceed? Menawhile I am searching through th einternet some more instructions! \0/

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You can enable linked models form the “advanced settings”: Revit | Speckle Docs

NOTE: the UI has changed a bit :slight_smile:

We’ll improve that message to be more meaningful :slight_smile: Let us know if that works!

Found it! It worked! Thank you Matteo!

I am loving your work guys, thanks! \0/


Hi all,

I tried to send a model with their linked models but there is some error each time with the linked models (there is some element that is not created).

you can see that the roof is not present, and also some other elements.
I have also a question, is possible to merge some Branch of the same Stream in a only one model?



Kind of… :smiley: Federating Speckle Models

This is programmatically right now, but would certainly work for what you need.

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The good question at the good moment so :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the link but unfortunately I’m lost, that’s a lot for my very limited knowledge in programming. I wait if you will develop some features to do it. Thanks Mirko

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Yes, I appreciate that. I apologise.

It is no more than an idea at present so I might think of a simpler solution.


Hi Matteo,

as said in the post below of the 1st March, I tried your workflow for the link models but I always get some errors.
Do you have some idea to solve this problem?



Hey @mirko.maccarronello can you please try with our latest release (2.13) to see if the bug is resolved?
Otherwise please share with us a sample model and instructions to reproduce it and we’ll investigate :slight_smile:

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Hi @teocomi , I have tested the latest Revit Connector for linked models.
It’s better than the previous one, but I still have some problems, especially for MEP models when they are linked. I will try to explain it better, if I import an ARC model with a linked MEP model, I have many failed elements, if I import a MEP model with linked an ARC model, I have less failed elements.

Hi Mirko - thanks for giving it a go!

Some questions:

  • which version did you use? We’re about to make a new release (2.14) and you can try the last release candidate from Manager
  • what do you mean by importing? Are the error showing when sending from Revit or when receiving back?
  • could you explain your workflow a bit as well? What are you trying to achieve ultimately?

We are aware of a few limitations in regard to MEP support, and are working exactly on them for the next release.

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Hi @teocomi thanks for your answer. I used the 2.13.3 version.
By importing I mean import into Speckle. My workflow is to import 4 different models (Site, ARC, MEP and FUEL) in Speckle to create a cloud Revit federated model at the place to use ACC Collaborate, and after send this federated model eventually in athor tools as for example PowerBI, Blender etc.
So for the moment I have errors when I send the model from Revit.

I’m interested to test the release 2.14. How I can do it?



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If you install from Manager, select Revit and then Versions.


Choose to see pre-releases. At the time of this, 2.14.0-rc10 is the latest.


Ah ok I have to click on “Show pre-releases”, I did not see it :slight_smile:

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