Powerbi Connector not showing up

Hi, what’s the full path to the folder you are dropping the Speckle.mez file into? Also which release are you currently trying to use?


Hey @clrkng ,

I am currently using speckle 2.1.11. I found out that I didn’t drop the Speckle.mez into the specified folder.

Now, I was searching for the folder to drop the .mez file. But I can’t seem to find the specified folder for dropping the .mez file " YOUR_USER_FOLDER\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors ". I googled it whether if my installation was wrong, and found that there were similar cases before but the solution is not clear and can’t be resolved by reinstalling the software.

Any idea, with regards to this will be really helpful.

Best regards
Saqib Qamar

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This may sound silly… and not sure if it will do the trick but, have you tried just creating that folder structure inside your documents folder and placing the .mez file there? :slight_smile:

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ahahaha! I will give it a try right now!

hey @AlanRynne

I did try that and unfortunately not working.
I was looking at the options in PowerBi, where we give permission to allow external connectors,
But, I don’t have that option in my Power BI desktop. Could it be that’s the reason it is not working?


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This makes me sad :cry: :wink:. Maybe we’re missing some clarification in the Installation guide? :thinking:

As for your missing option, I think you may be in the wrong tab :sweat_smile: Check in Security

Unfortunately that seems like it’s the only solution: did you check that the path spelling & spacing is correct? Also, do you have the data gateway installed by any chance? Also, PowerBI needs to be restarted after dropping in the .mez file :slight_smile:

Hey @AlanRynne ,

I did opt for the option in ‘Security’ tab for non recommended extensions. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give us any desired result. I think this is one of the edge cases. Also, an info of my current PC status, I am working with a local account this might be the case. I wasn’t able to test this on administrative account.

@clrkng I did check the path spelling, and spacing as well. I think, I am missing some info with regards to PowerBI external connectors. I will look there.

Thank you @AlanRynne and @clrkng
Best Regards
Saqib Qamar

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Thanks for getting back to us @SQMalik. I’ll dig a bit further on my side too, and try to figure out what could be going on.

Maybe for local accounts the PowerBI connectors path is different? :thinking: Do keep us posted if you find anything useful, as I’m sure you won’t be the last user with this problem.

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Hey @AlanRynne

I finally found the mistake! It was spelling error in the folder name.

Thank you for your time!

Best regards

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Good to know!! Looking forward to your feedback on the PowerBI connector. Any ideas on how to improve it will be very appreciated! :slight_smile:

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Hey @AlanRynne ,

It would be really easy for people, if we could have small clips of all steps involved in loading and deploying data using speckle in power bi. It seems like spoon feeding, but it can save people tons of time and make it more user friendly.


Hey @AlanRynne,

I uploaded my stream on Power BI. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see any output.
I am uploading screenshot of this.
Quick question, do we have any material on how to operate power bi for speckle?
Any guidance would be really helpful!

The stream is as follows:

Thank you!
Best regards


Instead of copying the main branch url, could you try copying stream home url? I think PowerBI connector doesn’t support branches at the moment (yes, even when it is the main branch).


We are supporting branches with the latest version of the connector!

This is probably because the PowerBI connector isn’t handling cases where the commit is just one single object and not wrapped in a commit Base object. We’ll look into fixing this case in our connector, or changing the way the Dynamo connector sends single objects. Thanks for reporting it!

Meanwhile, can you check if you’re still getting this issue when retrieving data from commits that are structured like the image on the right:


Also, we’ll post a video and guide on how to get started with the PowerBI connector soon, now that it’s more stabilized. Hopefully that’ll help address common issues like installing the connector and receiving data :slight_smile:


hello @gokermu ,

I did try that. Unfortunately, it didn’t work!
@clrkng Thank you for the support! Quick question, how do I get my missing ‘Base’ case?

Best Regards

From Dynamo, if you send more than one object it should be attached to a commit Base. This was an oversight on our part about not using a Base container only for single objects, we’re currently discussing whether or not we should change the connector to always send with Base at the root regardless of object count!

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Hey @clrkng ,

Well I tried with single element and with Base structure data and then I get the error that:

Details: “5 arguments were passed to a function which expects between 3 and 4.”

attaching a short clip!


We’ll investigate where this error is coming from, but I just checked your stream and that object you’re trying to retrieve only contains a list of 15 null values!

In general, we don’t expect users to be receiving geometry data like large meshes into PowerBI - could you elaborate on what you’re trying to do with your spiral mesh in PowerBI?

Properties like mesh faces and vertices are serialized as data chunks, which we are omitting in our connector since we assume these super long lists of vertex coordinates would not be useful to users. If we got that wrong, let us know!