Power BI - Speckle.Revit.Parameters.ToNameValueRecord([params]) function

Hi @gokermu, I am also having trouble getting the Speckle.Revit.Parameters.ToNameValueRecord([params]) function to work, and have downloaded the latest connector. Is there anything else I’m missing in the process?

I have pushed a revit model to speckle, and now extracted data in Power BI.

I’m not sure if the attached file will be accessible, but the speckle stream is set to sharable.

6AT016-ASSINGMENT-House Report.pbix (1.7 MB)

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Hey @Dan_Williams ,

I downloaded the file you shared, opened Power Query and go to the Walls query. There I added a new column, used Speckle.Revit.Parameters.ToNameValueRecord([params]) and it worked. Take a look at the below screenshot:

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Hey @gokermu, thanks for getting back so quickly, I keep going back and checking I have followed the same process, but keep getting the below expression:

As I type the formula, it doesn’t seem to recognise it as a complete expression, is it perhaps something to do with my Power BI settings?

Interesting. Are you sure you have the latest version of our connector? Releases · specklesystems/speckle-powerbi · GitHub

And also, what happens when you start typing the command? What are suggested methods?

Previously, when typing the command it wasn’t coming up in the list of suggested formulas. However, I’ve updated the mez. file again, and it has appeared. When click on the suggested as opposed to typing it all, it works…

Thank you for your help and time

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