Power BI DataSet 'DS0' Duplicate Columns Issue

Hello Speckle community,

I am using a Microsoft Gantt Chart plugin to tie to the 3D model visualizer in Power BI. When I select a rectangle in the Gantt chart associated with the first 4 items in the legend, the 3D viewer works as intended

However, when I select the last two items in the legend (4-Lumbing Topout and 6-Floor Frqaming) the model does not show and I get the “Couldn’t load the data for this visual See details”

Clicking “See details” brings up this error:

I couldn’t find what this means after searching online, any idea what might be going on here? I would load more pictures to explain what’s going on, but I am unable to as a newer user.


Hey @Sterlingb,

I changed the permissions, so feel free to upload more screenshots.

You reached a PowerBI visual limit but I am not sure if the limit is from the Speckle Viewer or the Gantt chart: https://community.fabric.microsoft.com/t5/Desktop/The-Dataset-DS0-error/m-p/1376964#M587739

Maybe you can share with us your powerbi dashboard and we can take a look. If the project is confidential or you don’t want to share the project here, please let me know and I will share with you a secure google drive folder.

thanks for your swift reply and changing those permissions.

I saw that discussion thread about the visual limit. To my understanding, the error I received appears to be due to the data transformations I used, not necessarily the amount of data.

Would I be able to share a folder with you instead via your email through One Drive?

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Hey @Sterlingb ,

You can send the link via DM here.

Hey @Sterlingb ,

I checked the file you shared and indeed I can reproduce the issue. This seems to be related to the data point limits set on the visual. I’ll see what we can do and get back to you.