Plugin power bi disconnected

I’m a Speckle user, and I’m having an issue with Power BI. The plugin has disconnected. Could you please help me resolve this problem?

Hey @Amel_Radjef ,

Welcome here! Please make sure that:

  • the Speckle Project is set to “Link Shared”
  • that your internet connection is stable
  • you can access the Speckle link

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Hi Teo,

Yes, the internet connection is stable. I think I made a mistake by removing the Speckle data permissions on Power BI. I’m trying to restore them, but without success.

Hey @Amel_Radjef ,

Sorry for the late reply. If you have Speckle connector installed, try receiving with it. It should automatically prompt you to authenticate. This way, those settings will find their way back.

Let me know how it goes.

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