The default structural model in revit has quite a few objects that get categorised as meshes when they should be just plain SpeckleObjects in my opinion. Notice how there’s no geometry data but there’s plenty inside the properties object. Is this a bug or am I supposed to account for empty meshes locally? Here’s the JSON:
"private": false,
"canRead": [],
"canWrite": [],
"anonymousComments": false,
"comments": [],
"name": null,
"geometryHash": null,
"hash": "7367993e06e814bb111881b11eced486",
"applicationId": "7588cba1-a054-4f65-a71e-8733428a4a3c-00150569",
"properties": {
"parameters": {
"End Treatment At End": "None",
"Bar Length": 5088.006400454777,
"__unitType::Bar Length": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"Quantity": 1,
"Mark": "",
"Hook At Start": "Stirrup/Tie Seismic - 135 deg.",
"Partition": "",
"Layout Rule": 0,
"Phase Created": "New Construction",
"End Treatment At Start": "None",
"Spacing": 0,
"__unitType::Spacing": "UT_Reinforcement_Spacing",
"Shape Image": "<None>",
"Host Mark": "",
"Reinforcement Volume": 255.85130570835247,
"__unitType::Reinforcement Volume": "UT_Reinforcement_Volume",
"Geometry": 0,
"E": 0,
"__unitType::E": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"D": 0,
"__unitType::D": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"G": 0,
"__unitType::G": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"F": 0,
"__unitType::F": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"A": 0,
"__unitType::A": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"C": 0,
"__unitType::C": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"B": 4921.347120023622,
"__unitType::B": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"O": 0,
"__unitType::O": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"H": 0,
"__unitType::H": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"K": 0,
"__unitType::K": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"J": 0,
"__unitType::J": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"R": 0,
"__unitType::R": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"Style": 1,
"Rebar Number": "42",
"Total Bar Length": 5090,
"__unitType::Total Bar Length": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"Stirrup/Tie Attachment": 0,
"Image": "<None>",
"Hook At End": "Stirrup/Tie Seismic - 135 deg.",
"Design Option": "Main Model",
"Schedule Mark": "16",
"Host Category": 6,
"Comments": "",
"Shape": "Stirrup - T17",
"Phase Demolished": "None",
"Bar Diameter": 8,
"__unitType::Bar Diameter": "UT_Bar_Diameter",
"Estimated Reinforcement Volume": 255.85130570835247,
"__unitType::Estimated Reinforcement Volume": "UT_Reinforcement_Volume",
"Quantity By Rebar Set": 1,
"Minimum bar length": 5088.006400454777,
"__unitType::Minimum bar length": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"Category": "Structural Rebar",
"Family and Type": "Rebar Bar: Structural Rebar 1",
"Family": "Rebar Bar",
"Distribution Type": 0,
"Maximum bar length": 5088.006400454777,
"__unitType::Maximum bar length": "UT_Reinforcement_Length",
"Standard Bend Diameter": 50,
"__unitType::Standard Bend Diameter": "UT_Bar_Diameter",
"Bend Diameter": 50,
"__unitType::Bend Diameter": "UT_Bar_Diameter",
"Type": "Structural Rebar 1",
"Type Id": "1316392"
"deleted": false,
"parent": null,
"children": [],
"ancestors": [],
"_id": "5e39438418f3f42b91b1a90c",
"type": "Mesh/GenericElement",
"vertices": [],
"faces": [],
"owner": "5d5290d83bdc8f3939743fb8",
"__v": 0,
"createdAt": "2020-02-04T10:12:20.419Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-04T10:12:20.419Z"