No updating parameters from Excel to Revit

I’m trying to import a dataset from Excel to Revit. When I send the schedule from Revit to Excel everything works as in Speckle’s tutorial but from Excel to Revit I can’t receive the data updated. I’m using shared parameters, but it doesn’t seem to work. In my laptop Revit 2024 is installed.

Thank you

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Hey @Davides ,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

Are you attempting to modify Material parameters? Unfortunately, Material parameters are not currently supported. If this isn’t what you’re trying to do, could you provide more information? Screenshots and gifs can be helpful.

No, I’m not attempting to modify Material parameters but I’m trying to edit a Shared parameter as comment or description. I create a Generic Model Schedule in Revit (as you can see attached) and I want to complete the last column in Excel but when I send data and I Receive them in Revit I don’t see anything values changed. I followed the steps of this tutorial, but it didn’t work:

Revit to Excel (and back!) - Parameter Updater (

Can you help me?



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Do you have any advice to solve the problem? @gokermu

Thank you


Hallo @gokermu !
I have exactly the same Problem in Revit 2025.3.

Do you know the reason of this bug?

Thank you!


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Hey @Gabriele @Davides ,

Thanks for reporting this. It’s a bug on our Revit connector. I have registered it into our backlog. I’ll let you know once there is an update on this.


Same problem here, as if excel to revit doesn’t work at all (revit 2024.3) !

Hi gokermu
Has there been any progress in updating material parameters in excel connector back into Revit as this is our most important schedule connector workflow?


Hi @PaulBuckley ,

I am sorry to say i have no updates. We are busy building the next generation of Speckle connectors and didn’t have the capacity to tackle this issue.

Hi @gokermu
Thanks for your reply. Would be great to get this one going. Most Architectural schedules in revit that use A4/A3 schedule data back and forth to excel are usually Materials and Finishes schedules that use all the data from the Revit Materials Library.
