No login form since 2.14.7

we use a self-hosted speckle installation. Until 2.14.6 we have no problem to log in using a browser like firefox. After upgrading to 2.14.7 or newer the start screen does not show the input fields for username and password. In the firefox console are several errors like this:
GET wss:///graphql
Status 502 Bad Gateway
The same happens also with other browsers.
What are the essential changes between 2.14.6 and 2.14.7 the lead to this behaviour?
We use the same docker-compose.yml, only the speckle-version info is changed.

Thanks for any hints

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it should be
GET wss://[ourdomain]/graphql
the angle brackets i used are eaten from the html monster.

Hi @bernhard

This error typically occurs when the backend, the ‘server’ container, is unavailable.

The changes between 2.14.6 and 2.14.7 are summarised in the release notes and the code changes can be viewed in their entirety on GitHub.

It is most likely because the startup commands for the server were changed, and this may not align with your docker compose file.

The Dockerfile for the server backend includes the following statements:

CMD ["bin/www"]

Hope this helps,


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Hi Iain,
thank you for replying.
Since I do not fluently speak docker and only a little docker-compose, I don’t get the clue how your two docker lines translate into the docker-compose.yml.
I also looked at the docker-compose.yml in the docs ( Deploying a Server - manual setup), but could not find anything with “bin/www”.

In my docker-compose.yml there are two instances of:
command: [“bash”, “-c”, “/wait && node bin/www”]
one in section “speckle-server:” and one in section “webhook-service:”

I don’t know further.

Hi @bernhard

It is likely that these command statements are causing the issue. The latest version of our docker-compose files do not include these commands Deploying a Server - manual setup | Speckle Docs


Hi Iain,
there are other lines like
command: [“bash”, “-c”, “/wait && node …”]
with different parameters to node.
Should they also be commented out?

Hi Iain,
I just commented all the “command … node …” lines.
Now we can use 2.15.1.

Thank you very much.

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Great to hear @bernhard

I’d recommend reviewing the latest Docker Compose files we have published against what you have deployed. We have added new environment variables and features such as healthchecks which you may wish to incorporate in to your deployments. Deploying a Server - manual setup | Speckle Docs


I had the same issue a couple of weeks ago when I tried to update our test server. Definitely, the first step to check the Docker-compose file for updates in case it doesn’t work :slight_smile:. I had exactly the same lines like @bernhard :slight_smile:. With the next update it is this one :slight_smile: :rotating_light: sort of Breaking Change: Self-deployed servers EMAIL_FROM value is now REQUIRED - News & Updates - Speckle Community