New Connector Request - AXISVM

Regards to all,
I am wondering if there is a possibility to create a connector for AxisVM? I specifically use it in conjunction with Archicad, I currently use IFC or SAF format, but it would be even more useful to be able to connect all the models via the speckle connector.
In my work I use the connector for Archicad and Advance Steel and it works very well.

Thanks for the suggestion, and welcome to our community!!

Do you have any specific workflow in mind? What element types would you be primarily exchanging?

Workflow would be - in Archicad selecting load bearing elements (column, beams, slabs, footings, supports) and sending to Speckle. In AxisVM importing from Speckle, making calculations and changing dimensions of elements if necessary. Sending changed elements back to Speckle, and import to Archicad.

ArchiCAD → Speckle → AxisVM → Speckle (comment changed elements, approve change) → ArchiCAD

Second workflow would be for revisions after first calculation. From Archicad sending changed load bearing elements to Speckle (dimension of column, or position of column, etc) and importing changed elements (without destroying existing model) in AxisVM for new calculation and analysis.

ArchiCAD revision → Speckle (comment changed elements) → AxisVM → Speckle (comment changed elements, approve change) → ArchiCAD