New commit, Old Model Not Replaced

Hello friendly community!
I need some help from you

  • Objective: I’m trying to update a model in Unreal by modifying a wall in Revit, sending that update through Speckle, and then receiving the updated wall in Unreal.

  • Issue: The problem I’m facing is that after changing the position of a wall in Revit and sending only that updated wall to Speckle, when I receive the commit in Unreal via the SpeckleUnrealManager, I get the wall in the updated position. However, the older version of the wall isn’t being deleted in Unreal. This results in both the old and updated versions of the wall being present. I expected the old wall to be replaced with the updated one.

Hi @gino,
Sorry for the slow reply.

You should expect all previously received actors to be destroyed on the new receive, and for new actors to be created. It sounds like the former step isn’t happening for you?

Does this happen for all receives, or only ones after a level/editor reload?

Also, please could you let me know what version of Unreal Engine you use, and I’ll investigate.