Move streams to other account and close it

Hey there,
I’ve been using Speckle for quite some time now and I created two accounts (both personal but with two email addresses associated).
Now I would like to close one but without loosing the streams data.
I added my other account as a contributor for all the streams but I’m not sure if it’s enough to prevent the streams being removed if I delete the other account.

Thanks in advance for your kind reply.


Ciao Paolo!

If you set your second account as “Owner”, then both account will have the same rights.
This is what it looks like in the new web app:


Hey Matteo, thank you for the prompt reply!
I have a quite different interface (accessing via web -
I managed to get the job done.
I attach a couple picture for other users benefit that might encounter the same needs.

Picture 1
In the owner account I went to Stream Home > Collaborators, then selected the dropdown in the Contributors pane and changed the role to stream:owner

Picture 2
After doing that, the other account avatar moved to the Owners pane.
Additionally, as the original owner is no longer the only one, it can leave the Stream and/or change its role to Contributor or to Reviewer

Thanks again for your support! Much appreciated!


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