Model is not getting loaded in Viewer

Hi Team

I have installed the latest version of Revit Connector -2.19.0-wip5—and recently streamed a model from Revit 2024, but it is not loading in the viewer.

Please refer this stream link - Viewer - Project1 - Speckle

Hey Ravi,

Thanks for the report, I see these are Direct Shapes - where do they come from?
Did it use to work in older versions?
Is it something you could share with us for testing?

Hi @teocomi

I have created this model in Revit 2024.
I checked in older version also , but model is not getting load into viewer , please refer below image

Please find model in the attachment. It is Revit 2024 model
Power BI Dashboard _Testing.rvt (6.4 MB)

Hi @Kumarravi007

Could you please give me access to this stream so I can have a look?


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Hi @alex

I have made this project open for all , please check and let me know


Hello, I downloaded the RVT model and also did a test. The model exported correctly on my end. Could you show us your export settings? Do you want to export your entire model?

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Hi @Kumarravi007 and @RaviDCPL ,

I just used your Revit file and I didn´t manage to reproduce your problem.
I used Revit 2024 and 2.18.4 Speckle Connector. Can you please try and install version 2.18.4 and try again?

Speckle Connectors that have “WIP” in the version are Work In Progress. Meaning that might have bugs.

I will recommend working with version **2.18.4** or the latest version **2.19.0-rc** (release candidate).

ps. Thanks @Gab for your support:)

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Hi @Gab @alex

Thanks for your sharing your finding and suggestion

@alex After Installing latest version , model get uploaded in the viewer successfully

Please refer below image

@Gab Please refer below image how I send model


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