Missing model definitions in GraphQL response


I am using the GraphQL API to pull the list of definitions from a model and match them with the elements to get their names.

It usually works fine, however I encountered a model that returns no definitions via the API call. They are on the contrary perfectly visible in the speckle viewer.

Here is a screenshot from the viewer, showing the matched definition and the name:

Screenshot from the API call and response:

I have tried with different depths, same result.

In case you need the specific model link, I am happy to share it in a private message.

Please help me identify what do I do wrong.


Hey @Adam_Mezovari,

thanks for reporting, we’re currently working on a fix for this issue. Business should be back to usual soon, without any change needed from you.



Thanks for the info! Do you know more or less when would this be fixed?

I need to communicate this with our client.


We’re planning to have a fix ready by end of the week. If your query does not use the query clause, if you remove it, things will probably work as expected.


Yeah it works without the query, but I need to filter the results manually then :slight_smile:

However its fine now, thanks! Looking forward to the fix!