Missing Material Thickness Data in Speckle from Revit Export

I’ve encountered a problem. I need to get the thicknesses of the materials in the wall and output them through an API, but it turns out that Speckle does not store data on material thicknesses.

Here is an image from Revit showing the thicknesses of the given material in the wall:

And here is an image from Speckle where this data is missing.

As an example, I’ll leave you a link to the model in case it’s my mistake:

  • Here is the link to Speckle
  • Exported from Revit 2021
  • Version of the connector 2.17.0

P.S. I also want to note that many data are missing in the new Speckle interface. For this reason, I have to use the old interface or even look at everything through the debugger. Will the new interface include the ability to view all model data?

#help #Revit #database

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Hey @Eleron96 ,

You’re right! It looks like we’re not sending the layer structure of walls, and there are legitimate use-cases for this information. I will add this as an item to our development backlog!