Merge multiple IFC files into a single frame on the Power BI dashboard

Good afternoon, speckle community. All right with you?

I’m new to this universe and I’m looking for help with some project visualizations in Power BI.

I’m trying to create a dashboard that demonstrates the entire evolution of the work linked to budget and planning, the famous 4D BIM. I was trying to convert a file but it is limited to a size of 100 MB. Therefore, I ended up dividing my files by disciplines (structural, architectural, hydrosanitary and electrical). For each one, I created an IFC with the information I need. I can’t place them in a coordinated way within my Power BI. When I place the links within the Deskotop app and try to place them in the same frame on my dashboard, a message appears saying that the files are not related to each other. Could anyone give me some help?

Thanks team!

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Hey @luannmbuild,

It’s great to see you here in the Speckle community!

You can definitely combine multiple models in a single 3D visual. We have a tutorial that explains how to do this for Revit. The steps in the tutorial also apply to IFC. Take a look and let us know if you need further assistance.