Measuring units


I am trying to change the measuring units to Inches & Feet but I am running into few issues:

  • Sometimes the dropdown to change the units does not appear at all
  • Sometimes it appears but when I change it does not change.
  • Sometimes it changes the units then it just flips them all out to meters again.

I tried to re upload the model and refreshing frequenlty, nothing is working. Please advise.

Hi @Khaldoun_Alcharabi - you’re right, it’s a bit wonky. I can reproduce pretty much all the issues you’re describing, and this is a bit of a nasty regression - cc @benjavo for visibility.

Pretty much most of the team is out until after new year’s - but hopefully we’ll fix this asap as it’s quite embarassing :cold_sweat:

Argh, yes I can also reproduce all of it. @Andrew_Wallace and @MikeTasset are still around Monday – can one of you take a look?

Yes, we are investigating, will keep this thread up-to-date. Thanks for the report @Khaldoun_Alcharabi

Hi @Khaldoun_Alcharabi, to follow-up on this; we’ve rolled out a fix that solves all of the points you mentioned. Thanks again for reporting and if anything else please let us know.


Wonderful! @MikeTasset It worked well now.
But i have another Issue, why are IFCs coming in not scaled? If i publish through the manager, the model comes in scaled, but the IFCs drag and drop comes in not scaled, is there something i am missing?

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Hi @Khaldoun_Alcharabi, glad it’s working now :slight_smile:
I’m not sure regarding the IFC scales, I will check if there is somebody who can give you a better answer to this question than I can

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Please could you clarify for us what you mean by Scaled and what behaviour you are seeing?

If its possible for you to share links to the Speckle models with us, I’d like to see and reproduce your scaling problem locally.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “the manager”.
Are you suggesting that there’s a difference between drag and droping IFC files vs selecting them via your OS’s file manager?

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