MAC M2 - Archicad 27 - AddOn will not appear

Hi everyone,
I installed the Archicad AddOn via the Manager.
I get this warning
Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-09 um 10.40.14

When copying it into the AddOn Folder the Addon will appear in Interoperbility of Archicad but nothing happens when clicking it.

Hope you can help


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Hey @LukasO ,

This is weird. Can you try thfollowing the solution in this thread:

Sorry, apx doesn’t help for OSX.
Problem is still there :frowning:

Sorry for not being clearer. In your case, file extension won’t be .apx. Can you try replacing last step with .bundle file located in /Users/USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/Speckle/Archicad/27/Add-Ons?

  • Can you also double-check if you have the latest Archicad connector installed from the Manager? It should be 2.18.4 as of now.
    -Can you please check your Privacy&Security settings to ensure there are no blockers preventing access to this file. If there is, it will prompt you.
  • Lastly (even though this shouldn’t be needed), can you try installing Rosetta and check if it helps?

I can’t seem to reproduce it. I have an M1 Mac and it seems to work fine on my end.