I am having som upload issues.
When im trying to upload an architectural ifc it seems to load, but it just ends up spinning on “uploading new version”. I have tried to delete the model and reuploading it, but it still ends up on “uploading new version”.
I have another project where i am getting the same issue.
I have tried to reduce the file size, but i have managed to upload bigger files. So im not certain that the file size is the issue.
im using the drag and drop feature for uploading.
The end goal is to visualize the models in power bi
All help would be greatly appreciated
Logs: If the issue regards our desktop connectors, please share the relevant logs you find under: Speckle Logs.zip (78.7 KB)
We’re working to improve our IFC parsing service, in the meantime, could you please upload these IFCs in the google drive folder I just shared with you?
Hello again freinds! It seems to work if i push it through using the blender connector. Its a bit annoying with having to use another “step”. But it gets the job done, at least for now.
Thanks for making it possible to have mulltiple ways of using you platform and achieving what we want!