I have Blender 4.2 and the add-on or extensions is not showing up!

Thank you for seeking help! Our friendly community is here to assist you. :pray:

To assist you better, please consider providing:

  • Objective: Use Speckle Add-on in Blender 4.2
  • Issue: I have Blender 4.2 and the add-on or extension is not showing up!
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Hi @Lukasz_Rafal,

We’ve only recently added support for Blender 4.2,
the latest 2.20.0-wip3 release should be compatible.
You can update to this version via Speckle Manager (you may need to enable “Show pre-releases”)

Alternatively, you can download a manual zip installer for the Blender connector from our releases page


Hi @Jedd,
I have Blender 4.2.3 LTS and the 2.20.2 Speckle connector for Blender installed, but I can’t find the Speckle connector inside Blender. It should show up in the area I circled in red, right?

Thanks in advance for your help :smiling_hearts_spockle:

You may need to enable the plugin from Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons

If there’s any errors trying to enable the plugin, please copy any error messages or console output here, and I’ll try and assist further.

If you don’t see the Speckle addon in that list, try uninstalling, and re-installing via Manager.

Just uninstalled and reinstalled, but still not showing under Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons:

The Blender console gives this:

Repository data: C:\Users\joost\scoop\apps\blender\current\portable\extensions\blender_org not found, sync required!

I installed Blender with scoop. Is that the problem?

If you take a look at %appdata%/Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons
do you see a bpy_speckle folder inside it?

If so… then it should appear in the list :thinking:

I only have %appdata%\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0 and \4.1 folders, both of which contain a \scripts\addons\bpy_speckle folder.
I don’t have a %appdata%/Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2 folder.

Ok, this may be a known issue with fresh installations of Blender.

Assuming this to be the case, please can you:

  1. Open blender 4.2
  2. Save a file (any file), this will trigger blender to properly create the appdata structure needed for our add-on
  3. Close blender, and confirm that the 4.2 folder now exists
  4. Re-install the Speckle connector

Please let me know if this resolves the issue

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Thanks! I gave it a try, but:

  1. hello-wall.usda (15.9 KB)
    I import this file in a new, empty Blender project.
  2. I save it as HelloWall.blend:
    HelloWall.blend (1000.2 KB)

The %appdata%/Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2 folder doesn’t show up.

I’ll have to take a look and investigate if scoop is using a different addons path to regular blender installs…

In the meantime, you should still be able to install the plugin manually via zip.

Please see our docs on how to do this

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Hi @Jedd,
Just figured out that when I install Speckle for Blender manually in my scoop-installed Blender 4.2.3 LTS, it installs it here:

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Thanks for investigating.

Does the manual installation work for you?

Yes it did, and then it installed there.

Things are cha-cha-changing.

For me, latest 20.3 Blender Connector, on recent Blender Versions now works, or not, on following versions.
(On macOS Sequoia, latest official, here)

Blender 4.2.3 LTS - Yesssss !
Blender 4.3 official (!) - Nooooooo ! (does not even appear in N-Panel !?)
Blender 4.4 Alpha - Yesss ! (now it finally appears in N-Panel and works - beside throwing lots of python warnings for each step)

of course Speckle Manager installed Blender 4.2 and 4.3 versions only. So even better that manually coping Specklypy Folder to 4.0 Alpha Settings worked now since today !
I just wonder why especially the current official Blender 4.3 Version does not work here.
(And now behaves like 4.4 Alpha expectedly did before today updates ?)

The latest 2.20.3 should be working on Blender 4.3

If not, please can you share more details, do you see the bpy_speckle folder copied?

Hi Jedd,

2.20.3 got installed or updated, Specklepy folder is in 4.3 Settings/Scripts/AddOns, I can activate/deactivate tha AddOn without issues.
It is just that Speckle does not appear in “N” Panel Tabs as it should. (As you can see in the Screenshot) Restarting Blender doesn’t change anything.
(I think someone else also had the problem that Speckle TAB did not appear)

With Blender Versions 2-3 weeks ago and probably 2.20.2 Connector I had the same but for 4.4 Alpha only - no Speckle Tab at all. While 4.2 and 4.3 were OK.

Now, with recently updated Blenders, 2.20.3 appears and even works in 4.4 Alpha (!) and of course 4.2, but not in 4.3for me !?

Not 100% sure but I think I already tried to uninstall Speckle from Manager, tried with 2.20.2, manually copying the folder, …

I also have BlenderBIM/Bonsai AddOn installed for all Blenders.
4.2 and 4.3 use 0.8.0 official while my 4.4 updates to latest 0.8.1 builds.

The hidden Speckle Config Folder shows :

Thanks for the follow up,

In 4.3, are there any messages in the console?

I may try and borrow @gokermu to help me test on Mac.

Not really … just


as I switched Speckle AddOn activation off and on …

OK … now I noticed that I also miss a few more AddOn Tab entries in “N” Panel in 4.3 vs my other Blenders … that will not come back when switching AddOn activations on/off …

OK, I think I found the problem ….
Unfortunately, Blender does save a lot of GUI and other Settings directly into its Blend Files !
Including activation of AddOns !

So when I start a new File from one of the default Templates - Speckle and other AddOn’s Tabs are back in “N” Panel !

Usually this should not be a problem.
But as I currently try to prepare a custom Blender Start File, which I mainly do in 4.4 (as it will be “official” release until I may have completed my Template) … and as my current Template File is already so much better than any Blender Default - I loaded that file also into 4.2 and 4.3 and even overwrote their default Blender Start File.
So as Blender Files are usually forward, but not really backward compatible, the 4.3 File might have gotten a hickup …

So this File Exchange might be the culprit.
Blender only warns that I may lose newer features of the newer File when I save it from that older Blender version. Which would have been OK.
I didn’t expect that a newer File opened in an older Blender version could corrupt Blender or its UI.

@zoomer @Jedd Seems to work fine for me.

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