How to Directly load any BIM models like IFC, GLTF and OBJ files?

I am trying to load the IFC or GLTF files using speckle viewer-api 2.0, The documentation I found was very very limited and couldn’t found any tutorials in youtube too. Can anyone help me please, I am trying to Load the GLTF file using three.js Loder but it always throws errors, The only way I was able to load a obj file is when I wrap it inside a typescript file

Hi @Gnan_Eswar

There is no GLTF loader as of yet, but one can easily be adapted from the OBJLoader. I’ll see to providing you with an example later today.

Regarding the .obj file matter, I’ve already provided information here

I’m sorry to hear you’re finding the viewer documentation very very limited and we will continue to strive towards improving it. Regarding loading various file formats, like you are trying to do with GLTF and OBJ, there is library support for adding such loaders however the actual implementations were never a priority and the OBJLoader was more of a barebones example to how one can build it’s own loader rather than a full-blown loader.

Because we can piggy back on three’s existing loaders to load any file formats that it supports, we can make a generic loader that works for all three.js supported formats, instead of having separate loaders for each format. We’ll be looking more into this soon


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