How can I output parameters (PSets) from the IFC model from Speckle to PowerBI?

Hello everyone

I am currently trying to read out the Psets in PowerBi from my IFC model which I have uploaded directly to Speckle. The integration of the viewer and so on works. The tutorials with revit to PowerBI also work. I just thought I’d do it with the IFC model only.

I am trying to read out my IFCPsets similar to the tutorial video ‘Visualising Revit Rooms in Power BI’ so that I can output Psets for the tooltip from the Speckle Viewer in PowerBI.

What I don’t understand yet is how I have to formulate the sentence in the Excel Power Query so that I have the same result as in the video (13:28), that the Psets are extracted to transform them and display them in Power BI for analyses.


Do you have an alternative solution how I can analyse the Psets in Power BI? Or what else can I enter in the query so that it works for IFC?

Query im Video:

Mein bisheriger Query das falsch ist:

Abfragentabelle PowerBI:

Link zum IFC Modell:

Many thanks in advance

Kind regards
Hakan :slight_smile:

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Merhaba Hakan,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

Are you trying to do this in Excel? Our Power Query connector does not work in Excel as Excel Power Query can not have custom connectors. It is Power BI only.

Are you trying to extract the value Pset_MTH? If so, this should be pretty straightforward.

As Pset_MTH key is stored in the top level, accessing it is pretty easy. When you go through Add Column > Custom Column, use [data][Pset_MTH] formula.

Elements that have that field will return the Record, others will throw an error. You can remove the error rows and proceed to extracting all fields of the records.

I’ve attached the Power BI file. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions.

15687 - Pset_MTH from IFC.pbix (35.6 KB)