Hackathon Schedule and Livestreams

Hey Hackers!

It’s almost time to head Beyond the Speckleverse!!! :rocket:
We’re amazed by the amount of registrations so far, this will possibly be the largest AEC Hackathon ever.

In case you missed the update from DevPost, here’s the schedule for the Hackathon.


  • Hackathon Start: Friday, June 07 at 12:00PM GMT+1
  • Hackathon End: Sunday, June 09 at 12:00PM GMT+1
  • You can see other key dates here


We’ll keep you entertained during the event with some livestreaming, it’ll be a mix of internal and external presentations and maybe even some live commentary!

:point_right: Check the links in the replies below!

Don’t forget to follow us not to miss out on the other livestreaming events that will take place during the hackathon.

Again, let’s make it fun! Share your progress on socials and use #BeyondTheSpeckleverse on LinkedIn, Instagram, and X, or tag us!


Friday, June 07 at 12:00PM GMT+1

  • The Hackathon officially starts!
  • :movie_camera: LIVE: Hackathon Livestream #1: Welcome to Beyond the Speckleverse :rocket:!
    • Hackathon brief & what to expect
    • Meet the Speckle Judges
    • Presentation: What Is Speckle?
    • Share with us on socials: Did you find a team? :people_holding_hands: #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

Friday, June 07 at 8:00PM GMT+1

  • :movie_camera: LIVE: Hackathon Livestream #2:
    • Presentation: Meet the ARD team by Martha Tsigkari, Head of the Applied R+D @ Foster+Partners
    • Share with us on socials: What are you building? :building_construction: #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

Saturday, June 08 at 10:00AM GMT+1

  • :movie_camera: LIVE: Hackathon Livestream #3:
    • Presentation: Digital Transformation Off-Site Manufacturing Progress Reporting with John Sisk & Son by Aaron Atkinson, UK BIM Lead @ John Sisk & Son Ltd
    • Share with us on socials: How much did you sleep? :sleeping: #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

Saturday, June 08 at 2:00PM GMT+1

  • :movie_camera: LIVE: Hackathon Livestream #4:
    • Presentation from Viki Sándor, Research Engineer & Lecturer @ AIT
    • Share with us on socials: We’re now halfway through. How much did you build? :last_quarter_moon: #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

Saturday, June 08 at 8:00PM GMT+1

  • :movie_camera: LIVE: Hackathon Livestream #5:
    • Presentation from Murat Melek, Director of Artificial Intelligence @ Suffolk Construction
    • Share with us on socials: How much pressure? :firecracker: #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

Sunday, June 09 at 12:00PM GMT+1

  • :movie_camera: LIVE: Hackathon Livestream #6:
    • Tune in to watch the last submissions trickle in!
    • Share with us on socials: Why do you deserve to win the public vote prize? :checkered_flag: #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

@hackathon participants, the first livestream is starting in 45 minutes! #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

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Can’t wait for this to start and check out what different teams are hacking :rocket:


@hackathon second livestream is starting in 1h!
Martha Tsigkari, Head of the Applied R+D @ Foster+Partners will be talking about the Applied Research and Development team and their projects.

Share with us on socials: What are you building? :building_construction: #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

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@hackathon third livestream is starting in 1h!

How’s the progress going? How much did you sleep? :sleeping: Let us know! #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

Presentation: Digital Transformation Off-Site Manufacturing Progress Reporting with John Sisk & Son by Aaron Atkinson, UK BIM Lead @ John Sisk & Son Ltd

Share with us on socials: #BeyondTheSpeckleverse

Hey @hackathon !

We’re now halfway through! :scream::scream::scream: How much did you build??
Let us know #BeyondTheSpeckleverse!

Tune in, in less than 1 hour to hear a presentation from Viki Sándor, Research Engineer & Lecturer @ AIT.

Last livestream before the submission coming up soon at 8pm GMT+1!

Tune in, to hear a presentation from Murat Melek, Director of Artificial Intelligence @ Suffolk Construction

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Join us for the last livestream of the hackathon as we make all the submissions publicly visible!
Starting in 1.30h :popcorn:.

How did it go?? Promote your hack for the public vote #BeyondTheSpeckleverse !