Grasshopper Send - 429 Too Many Requests


I have started to get this error sending data to speckle using Grasshopper (Speckle 2.9.3).

1 T0: One or more errors occurred. Response status code does not indicate success: 429 (Too Many Requests).

I guess I am sending too much data?


Does anyone have any ideas on how to stop this error from occurring?

Hi @lasaths!

In our last release, we added rate limiting on the Server due to some issues that were bringing the server offline quite easily. We’re already looking into this as we bumped into the same problem yesterday ourselves (in Rhino instead of GH)

We may have set too much of a restrictive threshold on it, as our connectors should never have this issue. We’ll keep you posted on how this evolves, as it’s quite high in our priority list right now.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Hey @lasaths, the problem should be resolved now - @gjedlicska and @iainsproat (kudos!) helped identify the problem and push out a fast fix! Do let us know if it appears again.

There’s a quick write up here if you’re interested in the details.


Thanks! Amazing speed!