Googlesheets connector to speckle

Im trying to connect googlesheets to speckle… been going at it for hours but Im stuck.

Im using Apps scripts and I added a code that I generated with the help of chatgpt but I keep getting this error

:x: Error: Request failed for returned code 400. Truncated server response: {"errors":[{"message":"Unknown argument \"streamId\" on field \"Mutation.commitCreate\".","locations":[{"line":3,"column":20}],"extensions":{"code"... (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response)

Not really sure what Im doing since I dont know any coding but maybe you can take a look at this and tell me what Im doing wrong?? any tips?

// Speckle Connection Settings
var SPECKLE_TOKEN = "---------------------------------------------------"; // I removed the token for security here
var PROJECT_ID = "-------"; // HYPER-B project ID
var MODEL_ID = "--------"; // 00_data/program-calculator model ID
// Function to send data from Google Sheets to Speckle
function sendDataToSpeckle() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // Get all data from the sheet
  // Convert sheet data into structured Speckle Base object
  var objects = [];
  for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { // Skip the first row (header)
      name: data[i][0],  // First column as name
      value: data[i][1]  // Second column as numerical value
  // Step 1: Create an object in Speckle
  var objectId = createSpeckleObject(objects);
  if (!objectId) {
    Logger.log(":x: Failed to create object in Speckle.");
  // Step 2: Commit the data to the model in Speckle
  var commitId = createSpeckleCommit(objectId);
  if (commitId) {
    Logger.log(":white_check_mark: Data successfully committed to Speckle: " + commitId);
  } else {
    Logger.log(":x: Commit failed.");
// Function to create an object in Speckle
function createSpeckleObject(objectData) {
  var query = `
    mutation CreateObject($objectInput: ObjectCreateInput!) {
      objectCreate(objectInput: $objectInput)
  var payload = {
    query: query,
    variables: {
      objectInput: {
        streamId: "28a211b286", // HYPER-B project ID
        objects: [{
          type: "Base",
          data: objectData
  var response = makeSpeckleRequest(payload);
  return response?.data?.objectCreate || null; // Return object ID
// Function to create a commit in Speckle
function createSpeckleCommit(objectId) {
  var query = `
    mutation CreateCommit($streamId: String!, $objectId: String!, $branchName: String!, $message: String!) {
      commitCreate(streamId: $streamId, objectId: $objectId, branchName: $branchName, message: $message)
  var payload = {
    query: query,
    variables: {
      streamId: "28a211b286", // Project HYPER-B
      objectId: objectId,
      branchName: "c0f5cc5917", // Model 00_data/program-calculator
      message: "Updated data from Google Sheets"
  var response = makeSpeckleRequest(payload);
  return response?.data?.commitCreate || null; // Return commit ID
// Helper function to send requests to Speckle API
function makeSpeckleRequest(payload) {
  var options = {
    method: "post",
    contentType: "application/json",
    headers: {
      Authorization: "Bearer " + SPECKLE_TOKEN
    payload: JSON.stringify(payload)
  try {
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(SPECKLE_SERVER + "/graphql", options);
    return JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
  } catch (e) {
    Logger.log(":x: Error: " + e.message);
    return null;

Hey @rodrigo_aguirre ,

It looks like the error has to do with the query and not necessarily app script.
You should be able to test your GQL queries from the Explorer (after logging in), once you get them working you can move them to App script:

It looks like the code was generated from ChatGPT, while it can be very useful I don’t think it has access to our latest APIs & SDKs :wink:

Hey Rodrigo! Nice to see you here!

As Matteo mentioned, try and test the query first in the graphql Explorer.

Bellow you can see how to do the exact same query using the latest API.

Let me know if you are still having an issue.

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Hey Niko! Good to be here :slight_smile:

I managed to stream the data from googlesheets into Speckle with the following code:

// 🔹 Speckle Connection Settings
var SPECKLE_SERVER = ""; // Speckle account server
var SPECKLE_TOKEN = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("SPECKLE_TOKEN"); // Token stored in Script Properties
var STREAM_ID = "28a211b286"; // HYPER-B project ID
var MODEL_ID = "c0f5cc5917"; // 00_data/program-calculator model ID

// 🔹 Function to send data from Google Sheets to Speckle
function sendDataToSpeckle() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[0]; // Get the first sheet
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // Get all data
  if (data.length < 2) {
    Logger.log("❌ No data found in the first sheet.");

  // Convert sheet data into a structured Speckle Base object
  var objectData = [];
  var headers = data[0]; // First row as headers

  for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { // Skip headers
    var row = {};
    for (var j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
      row[headers[j]] = data[i][j]; // Map values to headers

  Logger.log("📊 Structured Data: " + JSON.stringify(objectData, null, 2));

  // Step 1: Create an object in Speckle
  var objectId = createSpeckleObject(objectData);
  if (!objectId) {
    Logger.log("❌ Failed to create object in Speckle.");

  // Step 2: Commit the data to the model in Speckle
  var commitId = createSpeckleCommit(objectId);
  if (commitId) {
    Logger.log("✅ Data successfully committed to Speckle: " + commitId);
  } else {
    Logger.log("❌ Commit failed.");

// 🔹 Function to create an object in Speckle
function createSpeckleObject(objectData) {
  var query = `
    mutation CreateObject($objectInput: ObjectCreateInput!) {
      objectCreate(objectInput: $objectInput)

  var payload = {
    query: query,
    variables: {
      objectInput: {
        streamId: STREAM_ID,
        objects: [{
          speckle_type: "Base",  // Explicitly mark as a Speckle Base object
          name: "GoogleSheetsData",
          totalChildrenCount: objectData.length,
          data: {  
            entries: objectData  // Store data inside "entries"

  var response = makeSpeckleRequest(payload);
  return response?.data?.objectCreate || null; // Return object ID

// 🔹 Function to create a commit in Speckle
function createSpeckleCommit(objectId) {
  if (Array.isArray(objectId)) {
    objectId = objectId[0]; // Ensure objectId is a single string, not an array

  var query = `
    mutation CreateCommit($commit: CommitCreateInput!) {
      commitCreate(commit: $commit)

  var payload = {
    query: query,
    variables: {
      commit: {
        streamId: STREAM_ID,
        objectId: objectId,
        branchName: "data/program-calculator/googlesheet-data",
        message: "Updated data from Google Sheets"

  var response = makeSpeckleRequest(payload);
  return response?.data?.commitCreate || null; // Return commit ID

// 🔹 Helper function to send API requests to Speckle
function makeSpeckleRequest(payload) {
  var options = {
    method: "post",
    contentType: "application/json",
    headers: {
      Authorization: "Bearer " + SPECKLE_TOKEN
    payload: JSON.stringify(payload),
    muteHttpExceptions: true

  try {
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(SPECKLE_API_URL, options);
    var jsonResponse = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

    if (response.getResponseCode() !== 200) {
      Logger.log("❌ API Error: " + JSON.stringify(jsonResponse, null, 2));
      return null;

    return jsonResponse;
  } catch (e) {
    Logger.log("❌ Error: " + e.message);
    return null;

I also checked with graphql explorer, and mi data looks like this:

My new problem is in the receiving end in grasshopper. The data is not parsed and I tried using a python code (chatgpt generated) and of course didn’t work. The data output I get is the following:


In conclusion, Im slowly advancing but haven’t been able to finalize this task. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance

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Unfortunetely I dont code so I Indeed used heavily chatgpt and wasnt really collaborating but somehow I got it work.


The Grasshopper connector is not designed to handle Dictionaries, so you can try updating your python code to loop through all the keys and values to output those instead.

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probably something like this will work

a = list(output_dict_data.items())

coverts your dict to a list before outputting.

Let us know if this works! We are also exciting to see what you are building here!

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Hey Nikos, I had help from Joao Silva, one of the instructors of my course. This is what he came up with:

import json
import ghpythonlib.treehelpers as th

def extract_speckle_entries(sheets_data):
Extract structured data from Speckle into a Grasshopper Data Tree.
Each entry will be on a separate branch.

# Step 1: Convert Speckle data into a dictionary properly
    sheets_dictionary = dict(list(sheets_data.items()))
except Exception as e:
    return f"❌ Error: Failed to convert Speckle data to dictionary - {str(e)}"

# Step 2: Extract 'entries' safely
entries = sheets_dictionary.get("entries", [])

# Step 3: Convert entries into a structured data tree
structured_output = []
for entry in entries:
        str(entry.get('Program', 'N/A')),
        str(entry.get('Sector', 'N/A')),
        str(entry.get('Total Area Per Person (m²)', 0)),
        str(entry.get('Total Allocated Area (m²)', 0)),

# Step 4: Convert list into a Grasshopper Data Tree
return th.list_to_tree(structured_output)

INPUT: Speckle Receiver output

sheets_data = x # Connect the Speckle Receiver output in Grasshopper

OUTPUT: Data in separate branches

a = extract_speckle_entries(sheets_data)
