Get commited Rh Layer names with GraphQL?

It seems that there is no way to fetch Rhino Layer Names through GraphQL, e.g.

How to fetch Layer names commited from Rhino , e.g. SITE:LAND


Layers are dynamic members of the commit Base object, you can access the full commit JSON object with:

  stream(id: ""){
    object(id: "")

Keep in mind that the rhino connector also sends Blocks and Named Views in their own containers in addition to Layers!

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It is not very good to have an empty id for so crucial information. The Layer names is the only meta data human understandable. I am struggling on how to extract it from parsed Json in Unreal.

These are working
but since layer name is stored as a varying key name I can not retrieve it so simple.

I did this

// Iterate over Json Values
for (auto currJsonValue = SpeckleObject->Values.CreateConstIterator(); 
	// Get the key name
	const FString Name = (*currJsonValue).Key;

	if (Name.Contains("::"))
 			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Key Name -> %s"), *Name);

which gives me the Layer names

LogTemp: Warning: Key Name -> @SITE::LAND
LogTemp: Warning: Key Name -> @SITE::ROAD
LogTemp: Warning: Key Name -> @SITE::RIVER
LogTemp: Warning: Key Name -> @SITE::TREES
LogTemp: Warning: Key Name -> @SITE::BUILDINGS
LogTemp: Warning: Key Name -> @SITE::SITE_BOUNDARY

However, this is not a good option as the if statement causes big delays