Flow ArchiCAD to PowerBI

Hey guys - thank you Speckle for lunching the ArchiCAD-Connector :tada:
Thanks for your help!

  • Objective: I try to send data to PowerBI for the 3D-Viewer and as well selected attributes from ArchiCAD to Excel, as we might want to change the properties of some element in ArchiCAD and send it back to ArchiCAD. But first things first: The sending of data in ArchiCAD to the Branch worked. (here another question: is it possible to send multiple models (commits) and show them in PowerBI in one 3D-Viewer?)

  • General Issue: I can receive the data in PowerBI, filter and extract data. But there is no visual of the model. I excluded all mesh and speckle types in “speckle_type”. So only Objects.BuildElements are in the list. I even excluded the windows, doors and so on and only filtered for walls. Nothing appears in the 3D-Viewer.

  • Files of PowerBI:
    Test_Dashboard BIM-Viewer.pbix (2.5 MB)

  • Speckle URL: Speckle

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Yes, it is. Workflow is same as the below tutorial that i created for overlaying Revit models: https://youtu.be/p81_819vFxo?si=KM7Bt21NY9RdiisS

Is your project set to Link Shareable? https://youtu.be/brQAkXhoT5Y?si=fgHZkwcdUmZVVI9n

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Ah now I see - thanks for the tip!
And it worked as well with the viewer and multiple models - thanks a lot!

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Glad to hear it worked! Feel free to share what you’re cooking under #showcase if you want to!

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