When in the Rhino Pane, I am receiving errors with either registering or adding a user.
I’ve tried the following API URLs with the IP address that works in my browser:
Here are things I think could be the issue but am unsure how to resolve:
There is existing documentation I should be reading before posting here
I’m using the wrong server api url
There could be a firewall issue on PC or Server side
The last address is pretty much the one you want. I don’t know if this will make a difference, but have you tried writing it as “http://ip:3000/api/v1”?
The fact that you can use the web interface suggests that it is not a firewall issue in the server side, at least.
If you have access to another computer with Rhino, it could be worth trying from that.
Let me know how it goes. If those don’t work, @dimitrie might have more Rhino-specific ideas