Error getting data from QGIS

I’ve sent a DEM from QGIS to Speckle. It worked fine and here is the stream ID.

Now, I am trying to receive it in GH and I get this error message. Is there something I am doing wrong?

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Hi @pauldotnet ,

This has to be some serialisation error bc that is not big enough to break c# handle. I created an issue. Thanks for reporting it :fist_right::fist_left:.


Hi @pauldotnet , I might have figured it out.
Please check whether your No-Data value has this crazy number in the original Raster file

Bunch of raster cells with this value can be a bit too much for some connectors.
I’m going to replace No-Data value during sending to Speckle with something smaller in the 2.9 release (that is coming very soon). This works on my side so far!


Nice, thanks! Looking forward to try it out when released :slight_smile:
It’s Lisbon btw


2.9.0 is up and running:)

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