Error downloading from speckle to sketchup

I’m having a problem​:sob::sob::sob:

: I’ve successfully uploaded my model from blender to speckle, but the model keeps spinning around when it downloads to sketchup, showing CONSTRUCTION, and it stays that way until I click somewhere else, and sketchup dies and quits.
My blender version is 3.5 and sketchup version is 2023.

I need help, I’m a student who needs to use it to complete my final assignment, I’d appreciate any help (I apologize if my language looks weird because I’m u

sing a translator​:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:)

Hi @L_clara welcome here and sorry about this issue!

Can you share the Speckle Project with us? You can either make link shareable or invite @oguzhan (Oğuzhan Koral) to it. We need access to the model to debug the issue.

Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok:

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