Duplicate a stream

What is the best way to duplicate a stream?
I’m doing some tests with mutation and need to create a copy of the data before modifications.

Hi @soroush ! Unfortunately, it’s not possible to do that directly from Speckle. Right now the closest thing is to do it manually by receiving in one of our connectors and re-sending to a new stream.

But this as come up before and it totally makes sense to be able to duplicate/fork a stream, I’ll create an issue internally and we’ll let you know once we have an update!


Many thanks! it’s already quite easy to transfer using a connector, but would be great to copy a stream with different branches altogether


I made a simple colab notebook that iterates through all branches on one stream and copies them over to another stream. Check it out here:

Maybe it helps!


Super, thanks for sharing @Joscha_During !

Definitely, a feature we’re considering offering out of the box :slight_smile:

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