Did you consider a Microsoft Teams app to share a stream in a team?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a speckle stream embedded right inside a MS Teams team and the app cares for different things like inviting the collaborators from the team channel to the stream or posting stream events onto the chat of the channel by using a Teams bot integration? All this is pretty simple to code but hard to achieve as a user company. The developers from Speckle should have a look at it… I definitely would love to have a speckle MS Teams app that helps me to get the right apps in the context of my teams team!

Hey @berndgewehr, welcome to Speckle Community.

This has come up a few times, and while the Speckle crew aren’t actively looking at this right now, as I recall, we’ve seen a few companies building their own.

There is one open-sourced contribution I’ve seen from @Zhuangkh that looks in a paused state at present GitHub - Zhuangkh/SpeckleBot: SpeckleBot for Microsoft Teams

I worked on a Google Chat demo a year ago: SpeckleChatBot Webhook Relay