Datatable, CSV, ... in UE5


Need some thoughts and advice on how to bring data tables from Speckle to Unreal.

This can be useful for creating 3d curves and placing objects on it , useful data for 3d , data without 3d , …

We need to create a datatable convertion in c++ ?

Tkx !


Please could you describe a bit more, what kind of workflow are you trying to achieve?
Could you share some sample speckle data that you want to convert in unreal?

Hi @Jedd

Well I’m trying to copy the “lightweight workflow” like GH to Revit using only curves and points to recreate the building inside Revit and not export complex geometry and how to use it to go from GH to UE5 and using BP to populate 3D/2D curves points.

By the way i managed to modify the static mesh converter by adding a “data mode” toggle , if this mode is on,the converter populate the material list from the stream automatically and then i can “feed” the list with the mapped material with “data mode” toggle off

The legacy mapping by names and id is not handy to use because we need to create the list of material in evry stream and ID’s mostly change between projects and softwares,…


Hi @Jedd

Some ideas?

For example experimenting with rest/api plugins for UE5 ?


Where would you like to send your CSV data from?
Are you looking to create a standalone app? or are you wanting to upload DataTables from inside Unreal?


Mainly for receiving data in UE5 , no need to send at the moment.

My initial thought is about receiving some 2d ou 3d curves with data from GH and use it to have a detailed modeling in UE5.

My second thought is about how receiving datas in UE5 from Speckle without 3d.

Ok, as for your Datatable/CSV idea,
we have a tutorial on receiving custom objects in Unreal engine.

You’ll can create C++ classes for an type of object model, defining the speckle_type (in the ctor), all the properties you expect these objects to have, and a Parse function to deserialize JSON data into that object.
Any received speckle objects with that type will be passed to your parse function.
The structure of this class will depend greatly on how you’re sending the data in the first place.

Then you can write a conversion function to convert these objects however you see fit (can be done in either C++ or BP). I guess you’ll want to create DataTables from them…

Thank you very much @Jedd for your advice and ideas, I now see much more clearly how to get there.

Yes i’il use some BP to create datatable and use them as i wants.