I used specklepy and some GraphQL queries to pre-populate the globals of a newly created stream using the following:
'{ "query": "mutation { branchCreate ( branch: { streamId: \\"streamId\\", name: \\"globals\\", description: \\"Globals Variables\\" } ) }" }'
'{ "query": "mutation { objectCreate ( objectInput: { streamId: \\"streamId\\", objects: { ParentObject: { Object1: \\"value\\", Object2: \\"value\\" } } } ) }", "variables": {} }'
'{ "query": "mutation { commitCreate ( commit: { streamId: \\"streamId\\", branchName: \\"globals\\", objectId: \\"objectId\\" } ) }", "variables": {} }'
Those globals look normal on the speckle server, but for some reason I cannot receive them in Grasshopper? Any ideas?