Connecting Speckle Manager To Deployed Server


I have deployed the Speckle server and am now trying to connect my Speckle manger to the deployed server. I have tried to add the URL of the server to my Speckle manager but I am redirected to the localhost of the PC and am unable to connect.

How am I supposed to connect my manager to the Speckle server to be able to use it?

Hi Hadi, that’s kind of how it’s supposed to work. Have you included the port in the url you pasted in manager?

The flow is Manager > Web app authorization > Manager

A screen recording would help to figure out if we can help more; given the difficulty in remote debugging self hosted environments, our policy is to shy away from digging too deep here :grimacing:

Hi @dimitrie ,

That was my main question. I will include the port in the url and try again, but I just have one question, what is the port that needs to be added? It the port from the code or is it the VM’s port. That is my only remaining question.

I am not sure I can provide a screen recording, but what is happening is when it is being redirected to the localhost, it can’t reach the page, refusing to connect. After that, the url is not connected to the manager.

In the error log, I received a message saying it was an SSL connection error.

I removed the certification requirement and the server worked perfectly. Thank you for your support

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