Commiting textures from Rhino


I am testing if Speckle database can received textures and materials. However, there an issue when commiting a simple wooden box from Rhino

Three.js tries to load something like a shiny texture (I assumed that this is a mirror of the four lights in the scene)

When I delete the model in Rhino, and I press receive from latest commit, then I get the model without the texture

Is there any way to commit textures ?


Getting deeper in the commit with GraphQL, I see no jpg commited together with object

  stream (id: "93e286e781"){
      object(id: "ca7d9092e4821e36fdc76ba51670bcf9") {

I see that diffuse field is “-1” . Is there any way to commit also the diffuse jpg or it is in the to-do list?

  "data": {
    "stream": {
      "object": {
        "speckleType": "Base",
        "totalChildrenCount": 12,
        "applicationId": null,
        "data": {
          "id": "ca7d9092e4821e36fdc76ba51670bcf9",
          "area": 404214.2482136595,
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              "totalChildrenCount": 0
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              "xdir": {
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          "__closure": {
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          "provenance": "Rhino",
          "Orientation": 1,
          "displayMesh": {
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          "speckle_type": "Objects.Geometry.Brep",
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          "renderMaterial": {
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            "name": "African teak polished",
            "diffuse": -1,
            "opacity": 1,
            "emissive": -16777216,
            "metalness": 1,
            "roughness": 1,
            "speckle_type": "Objects.Other.RenderMaterial",
            "totalChildrenCount": 0
          "totalChildrenCount": 12

Hi @Dimitrios.Ververidis! Thanks for reporting this. Material support is something that was added recently and still has to be properly propagated throughout all the connectors. Also, the current implementation of render material doesn’t cover sending along textures. You can check out the current model here:

Currently, the Rhino connector should assign the layer color as the material, as it was currently intended just for preview purposes on the web viewer. But it seems like you bumped into a bug as it doesn’t look like its working properly in all cases, we are going to look into it and will keep you posted!

Meanwhile, if you want more control you can set renderMaterial properties in Grasshopper using the SchemaBuilder Node

Screenshot 2021-04-12 at 12.47.03

Hi Alan,

I am using the Revit demo house model for my tests:

The roof has already a renderMaterial. However as you say the only thing that passes are numerical values for opacity, metalness, roughness, diffuse, emissive.

public double opacity { get; set; } = 1;
public double metalness { get; set; } = 0;
public double roughness { get; set; } = 1;
public int diffuse { get; set; } = Color.LightGray.ToArgb();
public int emissive { get; set; } = Color.Black.ToArgb();

The values however obtained from Revit (here comes handy the GraphQL interface) are a little bit strange for diffusion and emissive
“renderMaterial”: {
“id”: “855709a7e5283464c853fdb662993f47”,
“diffuse”: -394759,
“opacity”: 1,
“emissive”: -16777216,
“metalness”: 0,
“roughness”: 1,
“speckle_type”: “Objects.Other.RenderMaterial”,
“totalChildrenCount”: 0

In order for the rendering to be realistic in Unreal we need also some images, especially for

diffusionMap = “https://…/diffuse.jpg”
roughnessMap = “https://…/roughness.jpg”
heightMap = …
normalMap = …
metallicMap = …
occlusionMap = …
transparencyMap = …

Let us assume that I am starting to extend speckle .NET, is there any way to store images to speckle server (as blobs)?

Dimitrios.Verververid@PrismArch Project

Yep, there is! It’s part of our roadmap. Nevertheless - @AlanRynne is just feeding me this reply now:

Textures and stuff are usually not good at all Revit. Even if we supported textures, you probably will still end up with a not that nice render; the best workflow we can think of at the moment is to support material matching by name - e.g, you have a material from revit called X, a matching one in Unreal - when the model is pulled into Unreal it will use the match by name. This would give you quite a bit of freedom in defining them there, with all the goodies unreal offers in this regard!

It would be good if you could have a peek and a go to what @cristi did: Speckle Unreal POC (v2). We could already implement that there!

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Thanks Dimitrie,

excellent news, I will test it with our Unreal developer (Panagiotis Migkotzidis).


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Cool! We really are looking for feedback there, so please do tell him to join and start poking @cristi and me!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Speckle Unreal POC (v2)