Colour display of lines and points

Hi all,

I have a rhino modelof a building where we are identifying different junctions by colour and layer (see attached screenshot). At the moment, colours are applied to each line based on its layer.

However when I send this to speckle, the colours are not maintained and all the lined come through as black as per the below.

Is there a way to have speckle display the colours as per the layer? I did try also assigning the colour by material as well, but this didn’t work.


Hi @davidjbrownstein

Could you please provide us with an example that we can run?


@davidjbrownstein this may be because the current rhino connector is sending both render material and color information on curves. @alex is looking into a fix in the viewer currently.

In the meantime, you shouldn’t have this issue if you publish your model from the next gen rhino connector, which you will be able to access with the command specklebeta if you’ve updated to 2.21

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A fast fix by @alex Lines with Both `displayStyle` and `renderMaterial` Fix by AlexandruPopovici · Pull Request #3913 · specklesystems/speckle-server · GitHub ! Should be updated soon after merge.
This should solve your color issues in the viewer:


Amazing thank you. I sent it from the beta plugin and all colours display as they should!