Change Line Style and Point Size when sending from Q/ArcGIS

Right now when I send lines and points from QGIS or ArcGIS they are very thin and tiny respectively:

What I would like these lines and points to look like is something like this (note: the green lines are in the Speckle model above, but are barely visible, because they are so thin | source of .gif below: LinkedIn post):
The green and pink things in this .gif represent Ground Investigation (GI) data. The green lines are “borehole sticks” (the standard way of representing the different soil and rock types inside a GI borehole) and the pink points are Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs are a geotechnical test done at different depths inside a GI borehole based on which we determine the strength and stiffness parameters of soils).

Apart from my GI borehole sticks usecase, I think it’d also be handy to be able to modify the line thickness and especially point size, because this is a useful way of for visualizing GIS data attributes.

I’d be happy to contribute if someone could help me get started and explain me how SpeckleMaterials, RenderMaterials, displayValues, displayStyles, pointSizes and lineWeights work :starstruck_spockle:

As more general comments:

  • Maybe the default line thickness and point size should be a little larger?
    At the moment I think they are rather thin - also when e.g. sending analytical structural engineering models to Speckle - making it really hard to click on these points and lines and inspect their attributes. This becomes even harder because the lines and points vanish right before they become big enough to click when you zoom in to them.
  • Maybe it could be handy to be able to change the line thickness and point size in the GUI of the viewer?
    I think this could be handy for QA/QC. Not only for GIS line and point data, but also for QA/QC of e.g. drawings and analytical structural engineering models.

Hi @JoostGevaert

The line thickness is as larges as it’s displayStyle tells it to be. In your case, the green line’s displayStyle does not specify a lineWeight value:

So for your case, the solution would be to send an appropriate value in the lines’s displayStyle, rather than increase the line default thickness.

The viewer can already dynamically vary point size so this question would need to be directed towards the frontend @benjavo


Thanks for your replies to my general remarks on lines and points in the viewer @alex.

Sending the appropriate lineWeight in the line’s displayStyle is exactly what I created this Feature / Idea thread for. What I meant with my general comment is that it might be good if the thickness of lines that don’t have a lineWeight in the line’s displayStyle should be displayed a little thicker in the viewer, because right now it’s hard to see and select them.

I see what you mean now, however not all use cases require thicker lines. Some work better with thin lines. What I believe to be less invasive, is to have a control over the default thickness of lines that do not have a lineWeight value specified in the frontend. Or have it like a minimum lineWidth value.

This addition would involve both viewer and frontend, so maybe @benjavo can weigh in on this one


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