Cannot send a stream from Revit

I’m trying to stream a bunch of walls from Revit, but I keep on getting the Warning as below:

An item with the same key has already been added.

  • at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)*
  • at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)*
  • at Objects.Converter.Revit.ConverterRevit.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.b__1(KeyValuePair`2 x)*
  • at System.Collections.Generic.List1.ForEach(Action1 action)*
  • at Objects.Converter.Revit.ConverterRevit.GetAllRevitParamsAndIds(Base speckleElement, Element revitElement, List`1 exclusions)*
  • at Objects.Converter.Revit.ConverterRevit.WallToSpeckle(Wall revitWall)*
  • at Objects.Converter.Revit.ConverterRevit.ConvertToSpeckle(Object object)*
  • at Speckle.ConnectorRevit.UI.ConnectorBindingsRevit.d__9.MoveNext() in C:\Users\circleci\project\ConnectorRevit\ConnectorRevit\UI\ConnectorBindingsRevit.Send.cs:line 85*

I tried streaming it from two different accounts, restarted Revit etc, but the error is still the same. Any other ideas? :slight_smile:


Hey Joanna, welcome!

I think that’s because of a bug we just recently fixed. We’re releasing an update tomorrow, but you can go and try our beta release already if you’d like.

Otherwise, if you could send me a sample file I’ll check everything works on my end.

Long version: I think that’s due to elements having an instance and type parameter with the same name.

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Beta release worked as a charm, thank you so much! I will keep an eye on the instance/type names next time as well :slight_smile:
