Bug report, System AllUser Parameter not honored during chocolatey deployment

I work for an IT MSP company that caters to a few AEC clients and created a proprietary chocolatey package for internal use for a client and specified /ALLUSERS in the silent arguments but it was not honored for some reason. Not a big deal, but I wanted to try to notify developers. If there’s interest in any logs just let me know what parameters you’d like me to do a test run to get the installer to output logging and I’ll provide them.


Hi, @dailen
Which Speckle product isn’t responding to /ALLUSERS? There is a good chance some of our connector installers don’t recognise this argumemt.

Hi Dailen,

In addition to Jedd’s question, you can see here that only Revit, Rhino and Grasshopper connectors support system wide installations:

We’re constantly looking to make our connectors easier to install by IT departments, so any feedback on this is very welcome!


Oh! I’m sorry! Minor detail :roll_eyes: this was just for installing the manager.

Gotcha, Manager does not support system wide installations as it needs to be user specific to store things like settings, auth tokens, cache etc.

Truth be told, I now see where I misunderstood the docs’ details about system wide deployments pertaining to Connectors and not Manager so that is totally an oversight on my part.

Ordinarily what I see with application deployments kind of similar to Manager is the application itself goes in ProgramData or Program Files and the user specific data (such as tokens and cache) would be stored separately in the Local App Data. This makes deployments easier as otherwise every time a new user gets on a machine it will require reinstalling Manager. As this application is new to this client, I suspect this will not be an issue at first.

If necessary for this client, since it’s an Inno Setup Installer I probably would just create a chocolatey script that uses the parameter /DIR to instead install to the chocolatey lib folder and copy that to the current user Roaming AppData and the default windows profile so future users will also have it.

I would not describe this as a huge deal, definitely a feature request though. You’d be surprised how many managers expect machines to be absolutely ready-to-go with no additional tasks necessary by the end user on their start state. This means things like this get added to new user onboarding.



That makes sense, and it’s good feedback for us (cc @Jedd @dimitrie )!

Thanks for the reply! This is a very impressive platform! I’m not a user of these products just implementing but will be sure to mention to other AEC clients!