Hi all,
I know there’s been a couple of discussions about deploying to AWS services, which I’ve been referencing heavily while trying to translate the DigitalOcean deployment guide to AWS services, but I’m still having an issue with the getting an external IP address for the nginx ingress controller.
kubectl get service -n ingress-nginx
returns the following:
ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer <pending> 80:31012/TCP,443:30886/TCP 5h42m
ingress-nginx-controller-admission ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 5h42m
Working through the discussion in this post, Speckle Certificate Errors in NGINX Ingress Controller, I’m having an issue when trying to get to the path for:
(I’m replacing the randomly generated string with XXXX for this post).
I can see cm-acme… as an ingress resource using:
kubectl get ingress --namespace speckle
but getting the path using:
kubectl describe cm-acme-http-solver-XXXX --namespace speckle
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "cm-acme-http-solver-XXXX"
Relevant section of above post: Speckle Certificate Errors in NGINX Ingress Controller - #4 by iainsproat
Here are the AWS services I’m using:
- Cluster on EKS
- Postgres on RDS
- Redis in Elasticache
- S3 bucket
Would love any thoughts on debugging!