I have tried completely starting over from scratch with a new Power BI document, and it still doesn’t work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Here are the logs, first from the Manager2 folder: SpeckleCoreLog20240104.txt (155.5 KB)
Then this log is from the RhinoRhino7 folder: SpeckleCoreLog20240104.txt (70.0 KB)
There are no logs in the GrasshopperGrasshopper7 folder.
I have received the link you shared in Power BI and analyzed the data structure. Based on my observation, the BColor parameter is present in the object, but not all objects have the parameter set. For instance, in the image below, the Polyline does not have it. I added a new column and extracted the BColor field from the data record. I also replaced the Errors with RGB(0,0,0). I have attached the Power BI file for your reference. Please take a look:
Hi Bilal, now that BColor attribute has appeared. I don’t think I changed anything. I noticed I have to separately refresh the preview in the Transform data window, even after hitting Refresh in the main window. Maybe that has something to do with it.