Arup Carbon -Model/Object Display


Recently been running a few projects from Rhino, through Speckle to create reports in Arup Carbon. All objects are visible during the creation of the Carbon Report, but once saved, several objects are no longer visible in Arup Carbon or when checking the viewer in Speckle. I have also had reports which I have created but the whole model is not visible in the Carbon tool or Speckle. All objects have been included in the calculation of carbon however.


Hello Stuart!
Thanks for posting, we are unable to provide support on the Carbon tool at the moment as it’s not been released by Arup yet. We might be able to help once it is :slight_smile:
cc @daviddekoning

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It’s coming soon - keep your eyes peeled


Can’t wait! We’ll probably want to start a special tag for it then :slight_smile: