Archicad visible surfaces

Hey there

I’m Manuel and I tested speckle and Archicad in the last few weeks. One of my topics was to colorize schedules connected to the model in powerBI, something what Archicad can’t live;)

Following question:
Is there a parameter for the visible surfaces? I found many parameters for the components, but not for the surface area. In Archicad there’s a list for all the “visible” surfaces and what we tried to do, is finding these parameters in speckle.

Thank you

Link to the public project.

Hey @Manuel_Emmenegger ,

Does Archicad provide you with those parameters? I believe we have a pretty good coverage of existing parameters from Archicad. If you can give more details on exactly what you are trying to achieve, i’d be happy to help.

I’m not sure @gokermu . Are these parameters in the background of each element or is that something, which is a formula only in the schedule?

Our Case: We have some customers which aren’t modeling the plaster, but using surfaces to get the area. The problem with modeling the plaster are often hundreds of different types. When we think for the construction place, than it’s not only the plaster, it could be the same plaster but another finish color… and the color we don’t model… is often part of the plaster.

So what we would like to schedule are the surfaces of each element, which are visible (nothing in front of them) and visualizie that directly with the list. Archicad can create the list, but you don’t see the model at the same time.

Let me know, if I can do some researches, tests or an example-model. Thank you for your help.