Archicad Models: Material Quantities

Hello dear Specklers,

are you providing the material quantities of Archicad models? We are not able to find them. For Revit they were stored under “materialquantities”.


This was actually a contribution by @martinromby and team, and I believe they are working on Archicad support too!

Hi @AlexHofbeck
Like @teocomi mentioned the Revit materialquantities data object was a contribution from us (real-timelca).
The Speckle team did an amazing job developing the ArchiCAD connector and we have had discussions with @gokermu about aligning the data structure across connectors regarding the materialquantities as you wont find them in the same place at the moment.

We would be glad to contribute to the discuss if you also think that it would be beneficial.



Pretty cool that you contributed it Martin :slight_smile: ! If area, volume, e.g. are at a unified position in the long run, it would be great … but if those values are part of the object we are able to deal with it. Volume I already found for the walls :slight_smile: .

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