Allow zooming on cursor position


currently when zooming, the model zooms to the center point of the axis on the screen, which sometimes provedes annoying situations (like when trying to zoom in, my camera will go through the object instead of zooming to the detail I want to look at). currently i need to continuously reposition my model to the center in order for me to get ‘close’ to the object i want to view

Can there be a toggle specifying the zoom type, where the default can be set on user profile lvl?

I agree and even would suggest making this behavior the default (Just like in Revit, Archicad, or Rhino). This definitely will go to our backlog, thanks!

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Hey Dick, 6 months later we now zoom on cursor position instead of the center of the window. Please give it a try and let us know if you have any feedback! It’s live on



Such good news that i had to test it! it works… but not yet great. on large models i find that the ‘zoom step’ seems to be realtive to the total model size, so i am zooming right through my elements with one scroll wheel ‘step’ can this be gadually? (see attached vid)

Hi @Dickels112

Could you perhaps share a model that manifests this issue?

We’ve tried it on both large and microscopic models and we did not encounter such issues as “‘zoom step’ seems to be realtive to the total model size” is the thing that makes it work for various scene sizes. Perhaps there is something specific in your scene that is throwing things off, so we’d need to check it out


Is the model far from CAD origin ?

Such geometry often led to display and view navigation problems when
exported to 3D Apps like Cinema 4D and a bit for Modo.
C4D even clipped the view so such geometry was totally invisible.

In Autocad users often draw 45 000 km or so in world coordinates away
from internal origin. Autocad seems to not bother that much.
If you would do that in Vectorworks, you would already get display and
snapping issues inside the CAD.

Hey Alex,
what is your username on app.speckle? then i will add you as collaborator

Hi @Dickels112

It’s Alex but I think email should also work



Thanks for the invite! We’ll look into the issue

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