Accessing Material Density Parameter Value

Hello @gokermu, I just exported a model from Revit using the new beta connectors. However, I can’t display the value of the density. Could you detail how to access them, please?

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Hi @quinoginer, welcome to the forum!

We are not currently sending structural material properties with the Revit beta connector. Could you explain in more detail what you’re trying to do with material densities? If this aligns with our data extraction workflow targets, then we can add structural properties to our connector priorities


I want to obtain the weight of each material in the model based on its volume and the density value specified in the material properties in Revit.

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Are you using the weight for energy calculations, cost calculations, etc on your revit models?

We culled a lot of parameters on objects in the next gen revit connector because we noticed it was making a huge performance impact, but definitely can cherrypick properties to add back in if it services specific workflows. I’m asking about your output case (assuming the model is to be consumed in PowerBI) to understand if there are other structural or thermal properties to include along with density to have a useful property set for your intended purpose

Yes, we use some of these properties to perform measurements and macro calculations of the material and carbon in the project. It would be good to integrate shared parameters if necessary, as well as the identification and physical properties of the material.


Ok noted! I’ll bookmark this for our development cycle and follow up here when it is implemented.