2D Drawings in Speckle from Grasshopper

What is the best way to show drawings generated by Grasshopper in Speckle?
Is it possible to enable the default top view in the online viewer?

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Hi @Monfed, not really yet, but this is something we would consider implementing, as this is useful for things coming out of autocad too. We’ve recently implemented an ortho camera view in our testing server:

(after you load it, try going to ortho mode - first button on the left - then switch to the top view)

If you switch to a top view while in ortho mode, you’ll essentially get pan and zoom only controls. One solution to this would be to encode view settings in the url itself, so if you share the link, it would be automatically set. Automating based on data alone might be difficult, as we can’t really tell from the start if everything is 2d or not. Would that suffice?

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You can also just add the ortho/perspective toggle switch to the send node

Well, you can add a parameter to the url.

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