Updating my PowerBI data based on a new pushed model

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-I created a dashboard on powerbi with the 3d model viewer and I am trying to make it life so that when I change anything in the model in the future , my powerbi chart will be updated accordingly.

is there a specific workflow because so far the changes are not reflected ?

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Hi @Mohamed_Abdelhafiz,

Welcome to Speckle!

In Power BI, you can simply click the Refresh button. This will fetch all the latest data (model) from your Speckle model. Any updates to the latest model will be reflected on your Power BI dashboard.


Thank you for your help. I think it is related to the following thread Update data of Combined models in power bi - #3 by Victor_Hugo_Fernande

the refresh button is not working but I am not sure how can I follow the same solution since I am already using the model url. not sure what is not going right here

Can you share what the source url you have set is?

Hey @Mohamed_Abdelhafiz,

I noticed that you are already using the Model (Branch) URL to receive. This should automatically fetch the latest uploaded version. If it doesn’t, as @Nikos suggested, you can click the Refresh button in the Power BI interface. If that doesn’t work, try opening Power Query and refreshing from there. Ideally, clicking the refresh button shouldn’t be necessary when you open/initialize Power BI. However, if you upload a new version while your dashboard is open, clicking the Refresh button may be necessary.

Please let us know if this helps.

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