Update data of Combined models in power bi

Hello everyone.

I have problems updating data in power bi when I have two or more models combined.

I need to be able to update data within the revit parameters and be able to see those changes in power bi, until now when I update the transmissions of the models in Speckle I can see the new information without problem but when I update the streems, those parameters in Power BI that were empty
"null values "and previusly that I have placed data in revit they are still empty when i see the query en power bi.

I hope you can help me. Thank you.

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Hey @Victor_Hugo_Fernande ,

Welcome to the community! Feel free to Introduce yourself :person_gesturing_ok: to the community if you want to! :grinning:

I would love to assist you with your problem. To better understand the issue you’re facing, could you please share some screenshots or even a Speckle Model URL? That way, I can give you the best possible solution. Thanks!

Tanks @gokermu , this is the Model URL: Speckle and my .pbix file is atach.

The problem is that I combine the two structure models in power bi (according to the tutorial) and I can extract information correctly, but one category of the elements does not have data in the parameter (type mark) that I use to filter my dashboard, so I go back to the revit file and add the data and publish the models again in Speckle, refresh the data in power bi and the new data is not visible. Review and in the Speckle viewer the data is visible therefore the model and the data were updated.

Tultitlan Sur_Estructura.pbix (2.2 MB)

Hey @Victor_Hugo_Fernande ,

Thanks for sharing the file. I see you receive from two models (aka branches). However one of the data sources is fixed to a specific Version(Commit).

When you use a Commit(Version) URL, it means that the data you access is fixed and any changes you make won’t be reflected. So, instead of using a Version(Commit) URL, it’s recommended to use a Model(Branch) URL like you did with the other data source. This will allow you to access the latest version of the data every time you push.

I hope this answers your problem.

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